The natural beauty of Ecuador is outstanding, ranging from tropical rainforests to glaciers, with striking contrasts between the snowcapped volcanoes and the forests of the plains. The infrastructure, the short distances between the areas and the abundance of mountain lodges and haciendas in natural settings make Ecuador a very nice and comfortable option for trekkers.
ECU-62 / 10 days / T2
Off The Beaten Trails in Ecuador
ECU-61-LT / 12 days / T2
Best Hikes in Ecuador
ECU-60-LT / 14 days / T2
The Andean Condor’s Trek
ECU-62 / 10 days / T2
Off The Beaten Trails in Ecuador
ECU-61-LT / 12 days / T2
Best Hikes in Ecuador
ECU-60-LT / 14 days / T2