Cotopaxi 5897 m – (Add-on)

ECU-12b / 4-day trip / GradeF

Cotopaxi (Add-on)

This 4 days add-on program is meant to be added to our trekking and culture-light trekking programs and our climbing programs. It can also be done as a stand alone climb, but it is important to have acclimatized before hand.

Day 1Pick-up & transfer to Cotopaxi National Park (3800 m)
Day 2Cotopaxi – Glacier training (4990 m)
Day 3Climb: Cotopaxi Volcano (5897 m)
Day 4Departure
Tags: F, F grade, Cotopaxi’s National Park, Climbing, Cotopaxi Natural Park, Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador, Volcanoes, Cotopaxi